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Touching the Invisible
by Norman Grubb
Published by Christian Literature Crusade ©1941




  1. The First Secret We Learned — Effectual praying must be guided praying: that the first essential was not to pray, but to know what to pray for.
  2. The Key to Success — We have His mind. We have His power. If all power is in Him, all power is in us.
  3. The Technique of Faith — Carnality is to be under the influence of the visible, tangible and temporal, instead of the invisible, intangible, eternal. We fail to bridge the gap within us between God’s thoughts and God’s word of faith, because we are bound by the domination of the visible.
  4. How to Obtain GuidanceThe Spirit gives the guidance. It is always in conformity with the Scriptures, and may be in the words of Scripture, but it is the indwelling Spirit who guides.
  5. The Lie of the Ages — Satan knows that if he can keep us in the delusion of separation, we are at his mercy, weak in a crisis, wavering in a decision.
  6. The Adventure of Adversity — Our ‘evils’ are never happenings in themselves, but the effect we allow them to have on us. No matter whether objectively an experience is apparently good or evil; subjectively, to the one who fears and doubts, all is evil; to the one who trusts, all is good.
  7. Almighty Meekness — It is ‘given’ to some to see and follow literally in their Master’s footsteps, and to them it is also given to bear witness to their conviction before the world. In every situation that arises we must be sure that we die.
  8. How to Maintain Unity — The moment I am inclined to criticize or resent a brother, I must recognize my spirit of criticism as the sin which concerns me, and not my brother’s behaviour: and I must keep on letting God deal with it till a spirit of appreciative love replaces it, by which I honour my brother instead of judging him, and rejoice in all of the image of Christ to be seen in him.
  9. The Key to a Released Personality — The Scripture speaks of a self, an ego, a nature, which was sin-bound, but now after passing through a death and resurrection in Christ, is sanctified and meet for the Master’s use.
  10. The Law of Spiritual Harvest — By the practice of the principle of the Cross, losses and trials, whether unsought or deliberately chosen, become positive weapons of offence in destroying the works of the devil and loosening his grip on humanity.