The Everlasting Man

by G.K. Chesterton, 1925

Chesterton turns his unique perspective to examining the history of the world. It is both the history of man and the history of a Man. He traces the progress of mankind through the rise of religion and civilisation to its logical conclusion. Just when humanity could go no higher but rather had started to decline, a Man was born who would change the destiny of all mankind.

Warning: Writing in 1925, Chesterton had no sense of the offense that certain words would come to generate in the generations following his own. Consequently, his unfortunate use of certain racial terms may lead some to judge him to be racist by modern standards. Chesterton was not racist, as evidenced by his essay against racism in The Heretics (Celts and Celtophiles). The use of the negative words in this book are not in a context of racial bigotry. Hopefully, modern readers will be able to make some allowances for the time in which it was written and not allow the use of these words to ruin their enjoyment of an otherwise excellent book.

  1. The Man in the Cave — Evolution does not explain the mystery of man, it simply gives the mystery a great deal of time to develop. Man is distinct from every other living creature in that he is an artist. The creative impulse is the indication of a mind which mirrors reality, and shows that man is made in the image of God.
  2. Professors and Prehistoric Men — .
  3. The Antiquity of Civilisation — .
  4. God In Comparative Religion — .
  5. Man and Mythologies — .
  6. Demons and Philosophers — .
  7. The War of the Gods and Demons — :
  8. The End of the World — .
  1. The God in the Cave — .
  2. The Riddles of the Gospel — .
  3. The Strangest Story in the World — .
  4. The Witness of the Heretics — .
  5. The Escape from Paganism — .
  6. The Five Deaths of the Faith — .
Also by G.K. Chesterton:
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