Rich Dad’s

Cashflow Quadrant

Rich Dad’s Guide to Financial Freedom

by Robert T. Kiyosaki, 1998
Cashflow Quadrant

The earthly father of Jesus was a carpenter — a business owner. Many of the Apostles were fishermen — partners in business. Paul supported his ministry as a tent-maker — self-employed. Jesus used both employers and employees in His parables. The Bible speaks to different people who make money in different ways. Today, however, most Christians are employees who don’t understand the mind-set or the skills necessary to own, run, or invest in a business.

This book describes four different ways of making money and the differences between the types of people who excel in each. It also gives advice to people who want to move from one quadrant to another, as well as ways for people who are happy in their quadrant to get their cash flow patterns on track.

Good stewardship of our resources is an important way for us to be available to fulfill God’s purpose for our lives. This book teaches principles that will improve our ability to be good stewards of our material goods.

Which Quadrant Are You In? Is It The Right One For You?

Also by Robert T. Kiyosaki:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Who Took My Money?
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