Rich Dad’s

Who Took My Money?

Why Slow Investors Lose and Fast Money Wins!

by Robert T. Kiyosaki, 2004
Who Took My Money?

In one of the best known parables that Jesus told illustrating the Kingdom of Heaven, three servants were given varying sums of money with the expectation that they would invest it and produce an increase. The servants that had gained the greatest ROI were called good and faithful. The one that gained nothing was called wicked and lazy. The principle of stewardship at the heart of this parable shows that those who would deal most faithfully with the resources that the Lord has given are the ones who invest and gain an increase which may then be put to the Lord’s use. (See Matthew 25:14-30; compare with Luke 19:12-26)

In Who Took My Money, the groundwork is laid for teaching people to become power investors. First, the principle concepts are introduced by contrasting them with the mindsets of people in various sectors of the economy. Finally, the concept of synergy is introduced to give potential investors a basic outline that they can use to further their financial education. Learning to combine assets for greater increase is a good goal for anyone who seeks to be a better steward to pursue.

Also by Robert T. Kiyosaki:
Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Cashflow Quadrant
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