Absolute Surrender
and Other Addresses
by Andrew Murray, 1895The religious idea of absolute surrender involves dedicating yourself to live a good
life, or agreeing to give up everything you enjoy in order to serve God. That is not what absolute surrender meant to Andrew Murray. Rather, it was the individual’s willingness to allow the Presence of God within his own heart to work out the will of God in his life. It means allowing God to produce the fruit of His Love in us, unhindered by doubt, fear, or any other resistance. Absolute surrender just gives God an opening to work in every situation in life.
- Absolute Surrender — This is the condition for obtaining God’s full Blessing. He is the one that accomplishes and maintains our surrender.
The Fruit of the Spirit Is Love
— The Holy Spirit pours out love in our hearts, and that love is His own Presence. That is the only power in which Christians can really do their work.- Separated unto the Holy Ghost — We often desire God in His guidance to give us the
big picture
before we act. God, however, more usually gives us only enough guidance to get us to the next step. We must do what has been revealed and wait on His next step. The separation here is not so much a physical condition as it is a habit of looking to the Lord for His guidance in every situation. - Peter’s Repentance — We must either deny self or deny Christ. When we rely upon ourselves to solve problems, we deny Christ His ability to be our caretaker. We also must repent of denying Him and cast our cares on Him.
- Impossible with Man, Possible with God? — Your religious life is every day to be proof that God works impossibilities; your religious life is to be series of impossibilities made possible and actual by God’s almighty power.
O Wretched Man that I Am!
— Even the regenerate man is impotent against the power of sin. In the Holy Spirit we have the power of obedience, the power of victory, and the power of real holiness.Having Begun in the Spirit
— After being converted and receiving the Holy Ghost, we may begin in our own strength to try to serve God, but religious self-effort always ends in sinful flesh.- Kept by the Power of God — The keeping of God includes all, spiritual and temporal. This keeping is continuous and unbroken. We only rest by faith in His omnipotence.
Ye Are the Branches
— If our life with Christ be right (in absolute dependence, deep restfulness, much fruitfulness, and close communion), all will become right.