Divine Healing

by Andrew Murray
  1. Pardon and Healing — Sin and sickness are closely united. The pardon of sin and the healing of sickness complete each other.
  2. Because of Your Unbelief — God wills to manifest His presence in our physical bodies. It is always unbelief which hinders God from that mighty work.
  3. Jesus and the Doctors — Those who rely on remedies to assist their healing will be preoccupied with them. Those who look to Jesus alone for healing put themselves in direct relation with His love and power.
  4. Health and Salvation by the Name of Jesus — Wherever the Spirit acts with power, there He works divine healings.
  5. Not by Our Own Power — The power for healing comes from God wherever faith and humility permit it and all the glory for the healing belongs to Him.
  6. According to the Measure of Faith — God wishes to grant us healing in answer to our prayer of faith, but we lack the faith to receive it. God always meets His children where they are, however weak they may be.
  7. The Way of Faith — Faith receives healing as a spiritual grace which proceeds from the Lord even while there is no conscious change in the body. God desires to awaken and develop in you the necessary faith.
  8. Your Body Is the Temple of the Holy Ghost — When the Holy Ghost dwells in us, He penetrates our body entirely. He animates and possesses us infinitely more than we can imagine.
  9. The Body for the Lord — Our body ought to be set free from the yoke of our own will to become the Lord’s property. God does not grant healing until He has attained the end for which He permitted the sickness.
  10. The Lord for the Body — The body is not affected by our close communion with Christ, just our soul and spirit are. When we surrender our body to Him as we have surrendered our soul, He will sanctify it.
  11. Do Not Consider Your Body — Do not focus on the body or its symptoms. Hold fast to the promises of God and keep your focus on Him.
  12. Discipline and Sanctification — Sickness may be permitted at times to discipline, but always the aim is sanctification which is apprehending the Holiness of God by faith.
  13. Sickness and Death — We are promised healing, but nowhere are we promised that we shall avoid death.
  14. The Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Healing — Wherever the more abundant life of the Holy Spirit is, there is a manifestation of all His gifts. An abundant outpouring of the Spirit produces abundant healings.
  15. Persevering Prayer — Prayer is not always answered immediately with healing. Some reasons for this include the weighing of our privileges in Christ before God’s tribunal and the opposition of the enemy. Whatever the reason for delay, faith rests assured that the healing has already been received and continues to ask and wait until the manifestation of the healing has been granted.
  16. Let Him that Is Healed Glorify God — If the suffering of sickness can bring glory to God by the steadfastness of faith, God is much more glorified by a health that He has sanctified and which has proceeded from the direct manifestation of His power.
  17. The Need of a Manifestation of God’s Power — The help of God is as much needed now as it was in the days of the apostles.
  18. Sin and Sickness — Sickness is a consequence of sin. The real remedy for sickness, then, is the same as that for sin: the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ.
  19. Jesus Bore Our Sickness — Jesus came to save both body and soul. His humanity participated in the weaknesses we experience which are not due to sin (hunger, thirst, fatigue) but He had no trace of sickness. Yet as sinless He bore our sin, so also healthy He bore our sickness.
  20. Is Sickness a Chastisement? — Indeed, but the focus ought not to be on the sickness, but rather on repentance for God’s desire is to pardon sin and heal sickness.
  21. God’s Prescription for the Sick — There is a difference between suffering for the sake of the cross and suffering that comes as a result of sin. God has two very different views on these different types of suffering.
  22. The Lord That Healeth Thee — Healing and health are of little value if they do not glorify God, and serve to unite us more closely with Him; thus in the matter of healing our faith must always be put to the proof.
  23. Jesus Heals the Sick — The miraculous healings done by the Lord Jesus are a necessary consequence of redemption. Therefore, since redemption is still available to us, so also are miraculous healings.
  24. Fervent and Effectual Prayer — In the cases where healing is delayed, let us remember that obstacles may exist over which only perseverance in prayer can triumph. Faith which ceases to pray, or which is allowed to relax in its fervor, cannot appropriate that which God has nevertheless given.
  25. Intercessory Prayer — It is the prayer of one who lives in intimate communion with God which “availeth much.” It is to such prayer that God will grant the answer, which He would not be able to give to such other of His children.
  26. The Will of God — It impossible to pray in faith when we are not sure that we are asking according to the will of God. Health is certainly the will of God.
  27. Obedience and Health — When we listen directly to the Lord, His word comes to us with a power that give us strength for obedience.
  28. Job’s Sickness and Healing — The devil can do nothing without permission. God permits sickness because of sin.
  29. The Prayer of Faith — Renouncing natural and pharmaceutical remedies strengthens faith and allows us to live a life of confidence and dependence on God.
  30. Anointing in the Name of the Lord — The anointing oil was not medicinal, but rather served as a sacramental type of the Holy Spirit.
  31. Full Salvation Our Highest Privelege — Only sin and unbelief can cause God to hide His face from us. Full salvation consists in walking all day every day in the light of His love and unceasing fellowship.
  32. Ye Are the Branches — The life of a branch is one of absolute dependence, deep restfulness, and entire surrender.
Also by Andrew Murray:
Absolute Surrender
The Master's Indwelling
The Secret of Intercession
State of the Church
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