The Gentle Breeze of Jesus

by Mel Tari, 1971
The Gentle Breeze of Jesus

In this book, Mel Tari added to the documentation he began in Like a Mighty Wind. On his native island in Indonesia, he said,

The Holy Spirit’s surge of activity continued unabated in 1971.

Although the tsunami in 2004 and the relief efforts since then have revealed the great need for the Gospel to be preached widely once again in Indonesia, reports of God miraculously saving Christians in the midst of the devastation give us hope that revival can once again break out in that part of the world. Revival is more the result of human openness and humility than of any alleged heavenly whimsy.

Revival continues so long as we make room for it. So long as we do not tell ourselves, This can’t be happening.

Note: Although most of the book is very good and suitable for any reader, there are two pages which those with delicate constitutions may wish to skip. The two pages are to be found in chapter eight (pages 134 & 135 in my edition). The subject matter refers to the terrifying practices carried out by demon-possessed men known as Alauts. The paragraph introducing the section starts:

I’d like to tell you about one of the most magnificent demonstrations of the Lord’s power (and also one of the most horrifying acts of Satan) I’ve ever seen. For a long time I wondered, Now should I tell you this or shouldn’t I?....

Skip at least two pages when you see that part, and you will avoid some rather grisly details. The entire rest of the book is very good and should not be cause for concern.

Also by Mel Tari:
Like a Mighty Wind
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