Editorials, Volume 4
That Incredible Christian
How Heaven’s Children Live On Earth
by A.W. Tozer, 1964The fourth collection of editorials written for The Alliance Witness and other periodicals. Compiled by Anita M. Bailey.
- That Incredible Christian — An excellent statement of the exciting paradoxes of living a truly Christian life.
- Time Cannot Help Us — Time does not change us. We do not get better with age. By the same token, we are not stuck the way we are, either. God can and does change us through Christ Jesus.
- What It Means to Accept Christ — It is not what is taught in Sunday School. It is a much deeper, more intimate encounter with the Person we call Jesus.
- How Important Is Creed? — Creed should never be a substitute for Christ, yet we cannot entirely eliminate creed because any statement of faith is a creed. To eliminate creed, you must eliminate all ability to know Christ in any factual sense.
- The Inadequacy of
Instant Christianity
— There is more to Christianity than conversion. After the new birth, the baby must grow up. - Faith’s Foundation Is God — We must learn to believe what God is, and not what we wish He was, or what we judge Him to be. God will reveal Himself as He is to those willing to know Him as He is.
- The Freedom of the Will — Man may choose between God’s will and his own. He must accept the consequences of that choice. A wrong choice will lead to destruction, but that does not change the fact that he freely chose it.
- Living an Exchanged Life — We can never make ourselves better and God will not patch us up and make us better, either. He will only exchange His perfect life for our imperfect ones.
- Why the Holy Spirit Is Given — No one comes to Christ unless the Holy Spirit draws Him.
- God Walking Among Men — Jesus was a man acting like God. He was also God acting like Himself in a man. If we allow Christ to act like God in us, we will be people acting like God too.
- The Divine Indwelling — Only our resistance to His prompting will hinder God from acting like Himself in us and through us.
- We Are Saved To as well as From — As long as we focus on the past we cannot grow into the blessings of the new life which has replaced the old.
- Will and Emotion in the Christian Life — The importance of understanding truth, since our thoughts (whether true or false) generate emotional responses, which in turn lead to action.
- How to Avoid Serious Error — A few disciplines which will strengthen our ability to discern truth from error.
- Our Tendency Toward Religious Lopsidedness — We tend to extremes. We try so hard to be right that we go wrong.
- The Need for Divine Illumination — The natural man cannot understand the things of the Spirit.
- Truth Has Two Wings — Balance is essential in our Chritian lives in order to avoid overemphasizing certain favourite Bible passages while underemphasizing those that might contradict our doctrines.
- Our Unclaimed Riches — Riches of God in Christ Jesus are out there waiting for us to want them enough to pursue them.
- Living the God-conscious Life — Some thoughts on the practice of keeping God always in our thoughts.
- Believing or Visualizing — We do need to be able to form a mental picture of God in order to choose to trust Him fully.
- The Christian Life Is not Easy — Some tactics of the enemy intended to destroy us. But what he intends for evil, God intends for good and He will use those things to strengthen us.
- Affirmation and Denial — Being a Christian means more than just accepting certain facts. It also means rejecting all that is contrary to Christ.
- The Giver and the Taker — Some ways to enlarge your capacity to receive more of what the infinitely generous God wishes to bestow upon us.
- There Is No Substitute for Theology — Learning theology is so important precisely because knowing God is so important.
- The Increasing Knowledge of God — The more we experience God, the larger and fuller our eternal life in Him will be.
- Resisting the Enemy — A few thoughts on unbelief, complacency, self-righteousness, and the fear of man.
- Spiritual Things Must Be Spiritually Discerned — Looking past the symbols to the reality beyond.
- To Be Understood, Truth Must Be Lived — The difference between book-learning and experience.
- The Sanctification of Our Minds — Our thoughts create the contexts for our lives and each person’s context is a little bit different. It colors our reception of the truth. This is why we need to have the mind of Christ. When we think as He does, our responses to the truth will be holy and right.
- The Futility of Regret — Regret is a part of legalism in that we try to atone for our sins and to please God by a constant chiding of ourselves for past failures.
- The Importance of Self-judgment — Some ways in which we may see ourselves as God sees us.
- Serving in the Emergency — The moral state of those around us is an overlooked crisis. How shall we respond?
- How to Keep from Going Stale — Avoiding fatigue and monotony in our religious practices.
- Marks of the Spiritual Man — A discussion of the dominant desires which distinguish true spirituality from hypocrisy.
- Chastisement and Cross Carrying Not the Same — Chastisement comes in response to disobedience. It is choosing obedience that brings the cross.
- The Wind in Our Face — The true follower of Christ will encounter opposition.
- The Friends of God — We are comfortable and informal with our friends. We don’t try to impress them or entertain them. We just enjoy their presence.
- The Ministry of the Night — Tozer’s eloquent description of this difficult time that God uses to make His unusual Christians. It purifies, detaches, humbles, and destroys the fear of life and death. It comes not in spite of God’s love, but because of it.
- The Art of True Worship — A challenge to examine the depth of our love for Christ by testing the level at which we worship.
- Love’s Final Test — Is our love merely emotional, or is our love that of our will bound over to obey all that Christ commands?
- Meditating On God — God reveals Himself to those who wait on Him, seek to know Him, and set their thoughts on Him constantly.