Sermon Collections

Whatever Happened to Worship?

A Call to True Worship

by A.W. Tozer, 1985
Whatever Happened to Worship?

Available on cassette as Worship: The Missing JewelVolume 1, Volume 2, mp3

Tozer’s original messages on worship have been rewritten by Gerald B. Smith in inferior expressions that approximate the ideas expounded by Tozer, but which pale in comparison to the originals. Much of the wonderful message shows through, but it still has been diminished by this poor rendition. Fortunately, the original audio is now available for download in mp3 format. The messages will inspire you to want to experience true worship.

  1. Worship in the Christian Church — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 1, Cassette #4.
  2. True Worship Demands the New Birth — The need for the fear of God. This chapter may not even come from the tape series at all.
  3. Much That Is Called Worship Is Not — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 1, Cassette #3.
  4. Born to Worship God — The tragic state of the human race, born to worship God but unaware of this glorious purpose. Sin has marred God’s image on the earth. This chapter poorly captures sections of Volume 1, Cassettes #1 and #2.
  5. We Must Worship Only the Eternal God — This chapter poorly captures sections of Volume 1, Cassette #1.
  6. Awed by the Presence of God — Isaiah’s vision of God. The minor theme from one of the cassettes—I don’t recall which because I made notes only on the major themes.
  7. Genuine Worship Involves Feeling — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 1, Cassette #5.
  8. Churches That Fail God Fail Also in Worship — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 2, Cassette #5.
  9. The Normal Christian Worships God — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 2, Cassette #4.
  10. If You Worship on Sunday, What Happens on Monday? — This chapter roughly corresponds to Volume 2, Cassette #1.
Also by A.W. Tozer:
Man: The Dwelling Place of God
The Tozer Pulpit
Renewed Day by Day
Faith Beyond Reason
Echoes from Eden
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