Basic Lesson Series, Volume 4

Not I, But Christ

by Watchman Nee, 1974
Not I, But Christ
  1. If Any Man Sin
  2. Apology and Restitution
  3. Restore Your Brother
  4. The Believer's Reaction
  5. Deliverance
  6. Our Life
  7. The Will of God
Also by Watchman Nee:
Let Us Pray
The Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation
Spiritual Knowledge
Aids to "Revelation"
Changed into His Likeness
Other Items on Related Topics:
Till We Have Faces
The Prayer Ministry of the Church
Watchman Nee
When Heaven Invades Earth
Bill Johnson
Intercessory Prayer
Dutch Sheets
Man: The Dwelling Place of God
A.W. Tozer

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