Gospel Dialogue

by Watchman Nee, 1975
Gospel Dialogue

The gospel is explained in depth by answering questions which people often ask. There is a certain amount of repetition, but by reading the segments which answer the specific questions on the mind of the reader, this book provides a very excellent resource for instructing us on the finer points of the gospel.

    • Is grace
      1. given to whoever is deserving, that is, does God require man to do good in order to be saved?
      2. given to supplement what is lacking, that is, does God require man to do his best before he is saved?
      3. withheld because of lack of merit, that is, can God refuse to save a person because he is no good?
      4. given less to the less deserving, that is, can God refuse to save a man because he is not as good as another man?
    • Does grace
      1. make the recipient a debtor, that is to say, is the word recompense proper to use here?
      2. absolve directly the sinner’s sin, that is, can God freely forgive a person out of compassion for the sinner?
      3. absolve directly the believer’s sin, that is, can God freely forgive a person out of love for the believer?
  1. Is there any difference between transgression and iniquity in the Bible?
  2. Is there any difference between the blessed in Romans 4:7 and the blessed in Romans 4:8? If there is, what is it?
  3. Are our sins covered (Romans 4:7) or put away (Hebrews 9:26)? Where is the distinction?
  4. How often must sins be purified -- once or many times?
  5. Why is the blood of the sin-offering in Leviticus 4:1-7 brought to the tent of meeting and sprinkled seven times before God before the veil of the sanctuary, whereas according to the law of the leper in the day of his cleansing the blood is sprinkled upon the leper seven times?
  6. How are sin and sins differently used? [Discussed in greater detail in The Normal Christian Life]
  7. Are we saved by the grace of God or by the righteousness of God? Which part of salvation is done for us by God’s grace, and which part of it by God’s righteousness?
  8. Which saves us: the righteousness of God (Romans 3:21-26) or the righteousness of Christ? What are their meanings and differences?
  9. What is the difference between the righteousness of Christ and Christ as righteousness?
  10. What does the persecution which the Lord Jesus suffered signify? And what does the death of the Lord Jesus signify?
  11. Why is it that in God’s plan of redemption Christ must be simultaneously God and man?
  12. Why does Romans 5:18 say one (act) and 5:19 say one (man)?
  13. Did Christ keep the law for us? Is there any direct relationship between our salvation and His keeping the law?
  14. How do we establish the law through faith (Romans 3:31)? Why are believers not under law (Romans 6:14)? What is meant by not being under the law? Why is Christ the end of the law (Romans 10:4)?
  15. How does Christ fulfill the law and the prophets (Matthew 5:17)?
  16. Some Christians tend to make Galatians 3:21 read as follows: Is the law then against the promises of God? God forbid: for if there had been a law given which could make righteousness, verily life would have been of the law. Is there any error in this rendering? And if so, where is the error?
  17. What is meant by redemption? From what are we redeemed?
  18. Does Romans 2:12 advocate that without the law (that is, if God does not give him the law) a person will not perish even though he has sinned? Or that, also, if a sinner has never heard the gospel, will his destiny be one of perishing?
  19. Since salvation is based on the death of Christ, why are we told in the Bible to believe in the resurrection of Christ and not just to believe in His death?
  20. On the cross Christ declared It is finished, indicating that the work of the cross is most complete. Why is it we cannot be saved if He is not resurrected?
  21. Why, after I Corinthians 15:3 has said that Christ died for our sins, does verse 17 say that if Christ hath not been raised,...ye are yet in your sins?
  22. Why does the Bible call upon us to believe in the Son of God? What is meant by believing in the Son of God? To believe in the Son of God answers to which part of the many works that Christ has done for us? If a person only believes in the Son of Man, will he nevertheless be saved?
  23. What is the most important miracle in the Old Testament? To what does this miracle point?
  24. Adam is created by God, not born of God; Christ is begotten of God, not created by God. Are we Christians born of God or created by God?
  25. What is meant by being now justified by His blood (Romans 5:9)? And what is meant by raised for our justification (Romans 4:25)?
  26. There are two sides to the crucifixion of Christ — His being crucified by men and His being crucified by God. The verses in Acts 2:23,36 and 3:15 speak of men crucifying Him, while those in Isaiah 53:6,10 speak of God crucifying Him. Which part of His crucifixion is done by men and which part is done by God?
  27. John 19:30 says It is finished whereas Colossians has Paul saying: I...fill up on my part that which is lacking of the afflictions of Christ. (1:24) What is finished and what is still lacking?
  28. What is the difference between Christ died for us (Romans 5:8) and Christ died for our sins (I Corinthians 15:3)?
  29. In God’s plan of redemption do Christians change position with Christ? In other words, does He who is righteous become unrighteous but that we who are unrighteous become righteous? (II Corinthians 5:21)
  30. When is our union with Christ — both objectively and subjectively — actualized?
  31. Why does the Bible say we are in the Lord, in Christ, or in Christ Jesus, but never in Jesus or in Jesus Christ?
  32. At what moment were we crucified with Christ — between His being nailed upon the cross to His giving up of His breath, or was it at the time He expired?
  33. What is the difference between the meaning and the effect of the blood with that of the cross? Why does the Bible never say we shed blood with the Lord, but only says we were crucified with the Lord?
  34. The Bible declares that the Lord Jesus died for all. If a person does not believe in the Lord Jesus, will he perish?
  35. How do you reconcile nor of the will of man (John 1:13) with he that will (Revelation 22:17) in regard to eternal life?
  36. Does not Luke 10:25-37 indicate that if a person should love the Lord his God with all his heart and with all his soul and with all his strength and with all his mind and should also love his neighbor as himself, he will inherit eternal life? If so, is not eternal life obtained by works?
  37. In Luke 16 we have the story of the rich man and Lazarus. Did the rich man perish because he had received good things in his lifetime whereas Lazarus was saved because he had received evil things in his life? Or is there some other cause?
  38. Romans 4 says Abraham was justified by faith, while James 2 says Abraham was justified by works. How do we explain these two justifications? What is their relationship to each other?
  39. Why does Luke 15 use three parables? Would not one parable have been sufficient?
  40. What is the relationship between the death of the Lord Jesus and the descending of the Holy Spirit?
  41. What is the teaching on reconciliation in the Bible? Is it for men to be reconciled to God? or God to be reconciled to men?
  42. What is the condition for salvation (that is, for receiving eternal life?)
    1. Not faith plus hope.
    2. Not faith plus confession.
    3. Not faith plus good works.
    4. Not faith plus prayer.
    5. Not faith plus baptism.
    6. Not faith plus confession of sin.
    7. Not faith plus repentance.
  43. What is the unpardonable sin? Is it that whoever commits this sin cannot be saved? What is the meaning of this sin?
  44. What is meant by having fallen away from grace (Galatians 5:4)? Will a person who has fallen away from grace be saved?
  45. Will the class of people mentioned in Hebrews 6:4-8 perish?
    1. Not again
    2. Impossible
    3. Should not
      1. Rejected
      2. Brought nigh to a curse
      3. Be burned
  46. What meant by there remaineth no more a sacrifice for sins (Hebrews 10:26)?
  47. In the Bible, how many different kinds of forgiveness which come from God are mentioned? And what is their respective significance?
    1. God’s eternal forgiveness
    2. Forgiveness through God’s people
    3. Forgiveness for restoring fellowship
    4. Forgiveness with discipline
    5. Forgiveness in the kingdom
  48. How many kinds of salvation are mentioned in the Bible? What are their explanations?
    1. Eternally saved before God.
      1. According to God’s will
      2. According to God’s election
      3. According to God’s love
      4. According to God’s grace
      5. According to God’s righteousness
      6. According to God’s covenant
      7. According to God’s power
      8. According to God’s life
      9. According to God Himself
      10. According to the redemption of Christ
      11. According to the power of Christ
      12. According to the promise of Christ
    2. Saved before men
    3. Saved daily.
    4. Saved out of afflictions.
    5. Saved in body.
    6. Saved in soul.
  49. What is the meaning of sanctification? How are we sanctified?
    1. The meaning of sanctification.
    2. The sanctified position before God.
    3. Bear the fruit of sanctification.
Also by Watchman Nee:
"Come, Lord Jesus"
From Glory to Glory
The Normal Christian Church Life
The Lord My Portion
Grace For Grace
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