Practical Issues of This Life

by Watchman Nee, 1975
Practical Issues of This Life
  1. Tears -- Precious Are the Tears
  2. Temper -- Mastering Temper
  3. Tongue -- Idle Words Leak Life
  4. Environment -- God Speaks through Environment
  5. Numbering -- Numbering Our Days
  6. Disappointment -- The Lord Is Never Discouraged
  7. Joy -- A Deeper Joy
  8. Rest -- Rest Is Power
  9. Mind -- Christ's Mind Our Mind
  10. Sympathy -- The Sympathy of the High Priest
Also by Watchman Nee:
Christ the Sum of All Spiritual Things
The Messenger of the Cross
Assembling Together
The Prayer Ministry of the Church
The Church and the Work Three Volume Set
Other Items on Related Topics:
Men Who Met God
A.W. Tozer
Till We Have Faces
The Normal Christian Church Life
Watchman Nee
The Broken Image
Leanne Payne
The Authority of the Believer
John A. MacMillan

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