The Authority of the Believer
by John A. MacMillan, 1981This book is actually two books in one. The first is an excellent discussion of our position in Christ and the authority that we have been delegated. This book is an essential part of our education as Christians and will give us the necessary perspective and Kingdom mindset to allow us to fulfill His purpose for us in the earth. The second part deals with the nature of the enemy and can be a little overwhelming if the principles of authority have not been sufficiently ingrained into the reader’s thinking.
- The Authority of the Believer
- The Authority of the Believer — This delegated power is the possession of every true child of God. We are seated in the heavenlies in Christ where we share in His authority.
- The Divine Purpose of the Ages — The Church is to be God’s instrument in declaring to the rebellious and now usurping powers the divine purpose, and in administering their principalities after they have been unseated and cast down.
- The Qualifications for Authority — The position of authority is our inherent right as children of God. This position requires belief, humility, and boldness to receive, retain, and exercise it.
- The Practical Exercise of Authority — Although the authority entrusted to us is not over other people, we can use it to set them free by exercising it over the spirits that oppress them in body or mind, breaking the power of excessive anger, fear, or demonic obsession, and fighting the riotous impulses the incite them to oppose the Word of God.
- The Authority of the Intercessor — Our attitude should be an active entering into God’s plan instead of a vague yielding to circumstances. The intercessor’s job is to remove mountains, bind the enemy, and to speak the Word of God in the face of enemy opposition.
- The Victory of the Believer’s Countenance — God Himself is the Victory of our countenance so that we fear neither man nor spirit nor opposing circumstance.
- Victory over Spiritual Conflict — Every consecrated hand that lifts the rod of the authority of the Lord against the unseen powers of darkness is directing the throne power of Christ against Satan and his hosts until
the going down of the sun.
- Encounter with Darkness
- Demon Possession — An example of a believer’s authority in the case of a possessed woman.
- The Satanic System — The hierarchy of the prince of darkness and his known aliases.
- Satanic Workings through the Ages — An overview of idolatry and devil worship in various cultures.
- Who Are the Demons? — Speculation on the probable origin of the demons.
- Forms of Demon Approach — A discussion of the various forms of oppression, depression, attacks on ministry, and obsession.
- The Reality of Possession — A fairly detailed discussion of the various aspects of this unfortunate condition.
- Modern Demon Possession — Further examples of possession in modern times.
- Demonology and Religion — A general survey of the supernatural elements of various religions which are attributed to demonic involvement.
- The Way of Deliverance — A look at the process used to bring deliverance to the oppressed.