The Believer's Authority

by Kenneth E. Hagin, 1986
The Believer's Authority

The subject of Christian authority is one that is often misunderstood because of the lack of solid Biblical teaching on it. As a result, people tend to gravitate to one extreme view or the other on this important topic. On the one side, there are those who shy away from their Biblical authority altogether. On the other, there are those who claim power and authority beyond that which has been legitimately delegated to us.

The Believer’s Authority is a balanced view of this subject based on the examination of relevant passages of Scripture. The detailed explanations of Biblical principles are enhanced by several anecdotal examples that make the concepts easy to grasp. This book will clear up many of the misconceptions that exist regarding the subject of spiritual authority.

  1. The Prayers of Paul — Praying the prayers of Paul from the book of Ephesians will bring results. This example of Scriptural prayer introduces the concept of the appropriate use of authority by the Christian believer.
  2. What Is Authority? — God is the power behind our authority. When we understand the legitimate use of the authority that has been delegated to us, we can face the enemy without fear.
  3. Seated with Christ — The source of our authority in Christ comes from the act of God that raised Jesus from the dead and exalted Him on high. We are not to remain stuck at the cross, continually subject to the power of sin. The Bible says that we have been seated with Christ in heavenly places which is our position of authority.
  4. Breaking the Power of the Devil — We have been given a sphere of authority for which we are responsible. Those who are unaware of this often plead with God to do something about their circumstances. We must learn what our responsibilities are and learn to confidently rise up against the devil and demand the rights and privileges that fall within our sphere of authority.
  5. Exercising Authority — Four Scriptural references that show what the believer’s responsibility is with regard to dealing with the devil. We have the authority to exercise Christ’s victory over the devil in our own household. We can often also help others in varying degrees, but our authority in their lives has many more limitations.
  6. Risen with Christ — A look at the passages in Colossians that shed additional light on the topic, as well as some words on the limitations of our authority. We have authority according to the written Word of God, and it is important that our exercise of it be within the bounds set by that written Word. In that way, we can cooperate with the Lord in faith.
  7. The Weapons of Our Warfare — Spiritual warfare is defined here as doing the works of Jesus and taking authority over the devil as we go about our daily lives, not going into head-to-head combat with the devil. The devil will try to discourage us from using our authority in Christ, but God has given us spiritual armor to protect us.
  8. Authority over Demon Spirits, Not Human Wills — More examples of limitations on the exercise of our authority and how we can help others while they are in our presence. It is important to build a foundation of faith in the Word of God in order to experience ongoing victory in the exercise of authority over the attacks of the devil.
Also by Kenneth E. Hagin:
The Art of Prayer
Love: The Way to Victory
He Gave Gifts Unto Men
How You Can Be Led by the Spirit of God
Understanding the Anointing

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