Spiritual Authority
by Watchman Nee, 1972
- Part One: Authority and Subjection
- The Importance of Authority
- Old Testament Instances of Rebellion
- Old Testament Instances of Rebellion (Con't)
- David's Knowledge of Authority
- The Obedience of the Son
- How God Establishes His Kingdom
- Men Should Obey Delegated Authority
- The Authority of the Body
- The Manifestations of Man's Rebellion
- The Manifestations of Man's Rebellion (Con't)
- The Measure of Obeying Authority
- Part Two: Delegated Authorities
- Those Whom God Apprehends As Delegated Authorities
- The Primary Credential for Delegated Authorities: Revelation
- The Character of Delegated Authorities:Graciousness
- The Basis for Being Delegated Authorities:Resurrection
- The Misuse of Authority and God's Governmental Discipline
- Delegated Authorities Must Be under Authority
- The Daily Life and Inward Motivation of Delegated Authorities
- Delegated Authorities Must Sanctify Themselves
- The Conditions for Being Delegated Authorities