New Creation Realities

by E.W. Kenyon
New Creation Realities
  1. The Living Word — We become Christlike in the measure that the Word prevails in us.
  2. Treating the Word As Though It Were a Common Book — This view of the Bible hinders our ability to receive from God.
  3. The Four Gospels In Contrast With the Pauline Epistles — The gospels tell us what sense knowledge saw in Jesus. Paul taught the revelation of what Jesus accomplished in the spirit.
  4. Paul About Prayer — Paul prayed that we would experience the power of God within us enabling us to live His Life.
  5. Christ In the Light of the Pauline Revelation — Paul reveals the spiritual depths of God’s gift to us. Without his insights, we could not truly appreciate what Jesus has done and is doing.
  6. What the Resurrection Gives Us —
  7. In Whom We Have
  8. The Legal and Vital Aspects of Redemption —
  9. Sharing With Him —
  10. The Law of Life —
  11. The Renewed Mind —
  12. God Reproducing Himself In Us —
  13. Limiting God In Us —
  14. What We Dare Confess About Ourselves —
  15. What Repentance Means —
  16. Having Your Own Faith Life —
  17. The Limitations of Jesus —
  18. The Defeated Satan —
  19. The End of Condemnation —
  20. Walking As Mere Men —
  21. Believing In His Substitution —
  22. The Rest of Redemption —
  23. It Is Finished
  24. Jesus At the Right Hand of the Father —
  25. Why Natural Man Cannot Know Himself —
  26. Some Facts About Pentecost —
  27. What Have You Do With Love? —
Also by E.W. Kenyon:
What Happened from the Cross to the Throne
Jesus the Healer
The Blood Covenant
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